Happy New Year’s Eve eve. The night before the night before. The limit. That’s the night to study. Calculus.
Do you know about limits? The limit of 1/n as n -> Zero? Its negative infinity or positive infinity. It’s infinity. The percent change from 0->1 is infinity. The first time we inspire change is a new infinite.
Zero is a circle. Circles represent zero and the infinite. Zero and the infinite are a paradox.
The wise mathematician Fred Calthen once told me he fell in love with bikes because they were all circles.
Learning to ride a pedal bicycle is the belief that you might sometimes fly. Go fast enough and you’d pedal yourself up, like a plane or a helicopter.
At the same time, learning to ride is an understanding that flying might not be worth it. You could stay grounded. That might be enough for terrestrial beings. Humans ultimately have a physiology of WALKING, after all. I know cuz my mom is a walker and my dad is a bicyclist becoming a walker.
Zeros and circles intersected AT THE WHEEL. But how many wheels is enough?
Two. Two is enough. Sure, you could have three. The triangle is one of the most stable structures. But have you ever banked a tricycle a little too much? speed can kill!
Three is good for statics. Circles are good for statics AND motion multiple dimensions. DifEQ; multivariable.
But what was the two dimensional midpoint between static’s and motion? It was the wheel.
You need two wheels for the most stable banked turn. And even then, you still need to know not to go too fast. The solution is somewhere between introducing the third dimension to the fourth, space AND time, between 3 and 4 (2²).*
A wheel, a circle, somewhere between 3 and 4. Any guesses? Smart estimate gets a dessert.
*motor-cyclists, ebikers, scooter riders, all you two wheeled motorized devices! please go slower. the speed of not pedaling is the ideal speed, but if you want to not pedal, all good. just go the average pedaling speed. please.
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